January 6, 2025 Devo
“Walking Through the Psalms”
“They are like trees planted along the riverbank…” – Psalm 1:3 (NLT)
“Strong and Steady”
“They are like trees planted along the riverbank…” – Psalm 1:3 (NLT)
“Strong and Steady”
“Strong and steady.” Wouldn’t you love for that to be the description of your walk of faith? It can be! In fact, It’s the way it’s supposed to be! Then why is it that so many live a spiritual life that is constantly up and down, back and forth, and in and out? It’s mostly because we don’t stay consistently in God’s Word and continuously connected to His Presence.
Yesterday, I talked about God’s “Divine Lenses.” The psalmist stated in verse two that godly people “delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.” What’s the result of that ongoing connection to God’s Word and God’s Spirit? A river. When we’re walking with God that way, there is a constant, flowing stream of God’s Wisdom coming into our minds. We’re seeing things from His perspective. We’re analyzing things from His point of view. Therefore, we’re not caught off-guard by the Enemy or fooled by His deception. Our minds stay sharp. Our hearts stay pure. Our vision stays clear. As we stay connected to God’s Spirit, there is also a flowing stream of strength. God’s Spirit gives us the strength we need to deal with tough situations. His Spirit gives us the stamina we need to go through difficult times. His Spirit gives us the resistance we need to overcome temptation.
That’s why the psalmist says that godly people who stay in God’s Word and are connected to God’s Spirit are “like trees planted along the riverbanks.” They have the River of God feeding their souls and fueling their lives. As they meditate on the Word, the river is flowing. As they sit and seek God’s Spirit, the river is flowing. Their roots go down DEEP. Their life grows strong and sure. This is what Jesus was referring to in John 4:14 when He said, “Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
How about YOU? How’s YOUR walk of faith going? Are you up and down and in and out and back and forth? Or are you growing in your faith the way God intended for you to grow? “Like a tree planted along the riverbank.” Strong and steady. That’s God’s Word for you today.
Yesterday, I talked about God’s “Divine Lenses.” The psalmist stated in verse two that godly people “delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.” What’s the result of that ongoing connection to God’s Word and God’s Spirit? A river. When we’re walking with God that way, there is a constant, flowing stream of God’s Wisdom coming into our minds. We’re seeing things from His perspective. We’re analyzing things from His point of view. Therefore, we’re not caught off-guard by the Enemy or fooled by His deception. Our minds stay sharp. Our hearts stay pure. Our vision stays clear. As we stay connected to God’s Spirit, there is also a flowing stream of strength. God’s Spirit gives us the strength we need to deal with tough situations. His Spirit gives us the stamina we need to go through difficult times. His Spirit gives us the resistance we need to overcome temptation.
That’s why the psalmist says that godly people who stay in God’s Word and are connected to God’s Spirit are “like trees planted along the riverbanks.” They have the River of God feeding their souls and fueling their lives. As they meditate on the Word, the river is flowing. As they sit and seek God’s Spirit, the river is flowing. Their roots go down DEEP. Their life grows strong and sure. This is what Jesus was referring to in John 4:14 when He said, “Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
How about YOU? How’s YOUR walk of faith going? Are you up and down and in and out and back and forth? Or are you growing in your faith the way God intended for you to grow? “Like a tree planted along the riverbank.” Strong and steady. That’s God’s Word for you today.
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