Posts with the tag “five-thousand”

August 24, 2024 Devo
August 24th, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)When the people saw him do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!” When Jesus saw that...  Read More
by Steve Chiles
August 23, 2024 Devo
August 23rd, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)When the people saw him do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!” When Jesus saw that...  Read More
by Steve Chiles
August 22, 2024 Devo
August 22nd, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.” – John 6:12 (NLT)“Don’t Waste ...  Read More
by Steve Chiles
August 21, 2024 Devo
August 21st, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)“Tell everyone to sit down,” Jesus said. So they all sat down on the grassy slopes. (The men alone numbered about 5,000.) Then Jesus too...  Read More
by Steve Chiles
August 20, 2024 Devo
August 20th, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but ...  Read More
by Steve Chiles
August 19, 2024 Devo
August 19th, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but ...  Read More
by Steve Chiles
August 17, 2024 Devo
August 17th, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these peo...  Read More
by Steve Chiles
August 16, 2024 Devo
August 16th, 2024
“It’s All About Jesus!”The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6)Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Phillip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these pe...  Read More
by Steve Chiles