Student Ministry

Welcome to Shartel Youth! This is a place for students grades 7-12 to come together to grow closer to Jesus, grow in community, and have fun! We are committed to guiding students through our four core values in order to help them draw closer to God and prepare them for faith and leadership. These values are:

TRUTH - John 8:32; John 14:6 - Truth is the foundational promise that is Jesus Christ. Everything that does not align with the nature, character, and love of Christ is not the truth. Salvation, which comes through Jesus, comes through the Truth. This is the foundation upon which all else is based. Without knowing and believing the truth, intentionally growing and acting in faith is impossible.

INTENTION - Matthew 16:24 - Intention leads to growth. Before growth can occur, you must take intentional steps toward it. Jesus says that to be His disciple, you must  deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him. That cannot happen by accident, but requires deliberate, intentional, steps. Just like when you play a sport or a musical instrument, you must be intentional to practice, so too must you be intentional in your walk with God.

GROWTH - Matthew 13:31-32 - Growth is the result of intention. For a plant to grow, it requires intentional steps, such as watering, access to sunlight, nutrients, etc. In the same way, our spiritual growth is the result of the intentional steps we put in. Sometimes growth can be scary, as we tend to dislike change, but when our growth is funneled through the truth of Jesus Christ, we trust and believe that it is for his glory and our good

ACTION - James 2:14-17; Galatians 5:22-23 - Action comes as the direct result of growth. The book of James states that faith that is not accompanied by works is dead. The fruit that is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit through our intention and growth is evident in our actions. Our actions should reflect the Truth and be an outpouring of our growth.
We have many events throughout the year, including regularly scheduled weekly events, various monthly events, fundraisers, and overnight trips, such as camp, State Youth Convention, and International Youth Convention. You can check out our upcoming events below!

9:00 am Sunday School

We meet in the Youth Cafe and study through a book of Scripture using an expository, inductive Bible study method.


Join the youth group as we sit up front together during the 10:30 service!


We kick off the night with group games in the gym at 6 pm, and then move to the Youth Room for worship and a message at 6:30 pm.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Student Ministry, we'd love to hear from you.
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