July 4, 2024 Devo

“It’s All About Jesus!”
“The Woman at the Well”
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” – John 8:36 (NLT)
“Really and Truly Free”
Today the flags will fly around our country as we celebrate our Independence Day. On July 4th, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence to announce the colonies’ official separation from the Kingdom of Great Britain. That freedom wouldn’t come cheap. There would be a war to fight and years of hardship to endure. In the end, over 25,000 colonists lost their lives. Some in battle, some in captivity, and many from disease. Though that number doesn’t seem large, it represented about 1% of the population at that time. That would translate to over 3.5 million Americans dying in a war today. As the saying goes, “Freedom is never free.” We owe a debt today, not just to the colonists who fought, but to ALL the men and women who fought in wars since then to maintain that freedom. It is a debt that we can never repay.
We owe that same debt to Jesus. He came to set us free as well. Not freedom from the rule of another country, but freedom from the plethora of chains that we wear on our hearts, minds, and souls. Jesus came to set us free from sin. His death on the cross paid the price that we could never afford. His death brought us life. Sin is no longer our ruler. Hell is no longer our destination. The Son of God has set us free!
Christ sets us free from the attitudes and desires that enslave us. He does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Many of us have discovered that we don’t have the willpower to overcome our addictions. Try as we may, we fail time and time again. We need a power that is greater than us. We need a deliverer who can come to our aid. As Paul said in Romans, “Who can deliver us from the body of death? Thanks be to God, Jesus Christ our Lord!”
Jesus gives us freedom from needing to be defined by others. Freedom from the allures and entanglements of our culture. Freedom from having to be afraid of death. The freedom Christ offers today is complete and all-encompassing. So fly your flag, eat your hot dogs, and enjoy the fireworks as we celebrate today. But don’t forget to say a prayer of thanks as well. Not just for the freedom that you have around you, but for the freedom that you have within you. Because if Jesus has set you free, you are really and truly free! That’s God’s Word for you today.






Abraham All-in Beggar Bible Bystander Conscience Ears Easter Family Free GPS Galilee God Holy Spirit Israel Jericho Jerusalem Jesus Jews John Joseph Kesus Kongdom Larry Bird Levi Light Lord Lord’s Prayer Mary Mother’s Day Nature Nicodemus Palm Sunday Prayer Rocks Roman Samaria Samaritan Soldier Sunday Walk Word Yeast Zacchaeus above accept action active acts addictions addiction advice again all alone amaze amazing anger anyone application around attitudes attitude attraction audience authority average awe bad baptism baptize become beg belief belong better beyond be big bit blessing block born again born bread breakthrough brokenness broken brother business busy buyer call caregiver care celebrate chains changed changes change child choice church clean clear climb commitment community companion compassion connect control conversation correction created creation creator crisis critics cross crowd daily dark daughter day deal death debt decisions decision deeper desire devil die different difficult direction dirt disciples discouragement distance divine doctor does donkey drift earthly empty enemy entitlement eternal life eternal eternity everyday everyone evidence example exceptional excitement experience eye fair faithful faith farmer far fasting father fatigue fear fickle fire first world first follow forgiveness forgiven forgive foundation freedom friends friend fruitful gifts gift gives give glory godshapedhole good gospel go grace gratitude grave great growing guilt hang ups happen hardship harvest have to healer healing healthy heal hearts heart hear heaven hell help heroes hidden hide hiding holy home honest hope house how humble humility hungry image immediate impact in-laws influence information inside instantly instructions integrity intention intercession interruption invite issues joy justify kind king know label lamp lazy leper life-change life linen listen living water longing looker looking loss lost loved love lower made majesty make manna marriage mask mercy miracles miracle mirror mission moment money more mother motives mouth name need neighbor new night obedience obey older old one open others out overcome overflow pain palm paralytic parent party passion paths path people personal person places place plan possessions power praise pray precious prepare presence present priceless pride private problems prodigal prophets question quiet random reach react reason reckoning reconnect relationships relentless repent resilience respond restore rest resurrection return reveal rich right away righteous right road rock roof room ruin rule sabbath salvation save say searching search security seeds seed seeing seen selfish servant serve shadows shame share sheep shepherd sick significance signs simple sinners sinner sinner’s prayer sins sin sky small snake soil son sorrow speak special spiritual birth spirit spread start stereotype storms stranger strength stress suffering surrender talents talent teachable teach temptation tender things time timing together tomb tomorrow tongue-tied touch transformed treasures tried trust truth try two uncertain uncomfortable unconditional undeserving unexpected unfair unfinished unknown unseen us value view viral voice vulnerable waiting wait warning water ways way wealth wedding weeds weep well what wheat when will wine woman working work world-changer world worry worship worthy wrll wrong yourself you